2014 at Running Mums Australia

Well the new year is upon us and what an amazing year it has been for Running Mums Australia. At the beginning of this year RMA was just a small baby. I think we had a couple of hundred members and I was starting to train for my second marathon at the Gold Coast. A total of 4 marathons later and one ultra, all because you guys were the inspiration behind it. There is no doubt. There has been a lot that has gone into RMA this year that has made it so successful. Partnering with the right people, building sustainable and lasting relationships with engaging brands, sharing and connecting with the people of Australia and beyond about who we are and most importantly, you, the Running Mums of Australia for running, encouraging and inspiring your fellow women of Australia to get out there, lace up your shoes and have a go.

An amazing runner and mentor to me was sharing with me today about her running journey and her words resonated with me. “I’m a runner, she said. the fact that I can juggle my family, yet get up, lace up my shoes and go makes me a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast I go, how slow I go, how long, how short, road or trail…I’m a runner. To know that I am getting out there and inspiring someone else makes it all worth it.”….well, it was something along those lines and it hit HOME to me. This is why I started RMA and why it continues to thrive and grow and the not so much secret to its success. We, as mother runners are inspiring. People look at us! We are the whole package! We, mums, are the real deal.

We have elite mums, new running mums, mums with prams, mums in buffs, mums who climb mountains, mums who hit the track, mums who run long, mums who run fast, mums who JUST RUN. We, mums are RUNNERS.

Let 2014 be a springboard to all you can imagine….remember when your journey with RMA started and let it be your guide. Don’t ever let go of your dreams. Don’t settle. Be an inspiration to someone else, your husband, partner, friends, children, but most importantly to YOURSELF.

Dream big and work hard and let the rest happen.

Thank you for being an amazing part of my 2014. I can’t wait to see what is in store for 2015! Ill be there running right beside you.

Yours in running

Nicole Bunyon

Founder, Running Mums Australia

(Photos courtesy of RMA Facebook members)

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