Q & A with RMA – Nicole Bunyon – Part 2

Sonia Worsley‪ How did you know your coach was the right one?

I Met my coach at a race. I had heard about his achievements in Ultra running and at the time I actually had a coach already, however because I wanted to focus on ultra running, I wanted someone who knew ultra running inside and out. I also wanted to shift my focus to trails and that is predominately my coaches specialty. I think finding a coach who you can be honest with is important. It has to be almost like a marriage. There needs to be good communication and they need to know you well…your highs and lows and you need to feel comfortable enough to give them the feedback that they need to meet your training plan well. This relationship, along with your commitment to your training will ensure success.


Tanja Bryan‪ Everyone has a different journey but really when was the moment you decided you would like to become a runner? Do u remember it? And why?

No, I don’t remember. I just remember that I kind of morphed into it as my life went on. I have always been a runner from when I was young. I always found it enjoyable and a way to push my limits. Now it gives me so much more than that though…

Rachael Eames‪ I would love your best tips on running your first marathon

  1. Believe you can do it. That’s the starting point.
  2. Have a good plan. Find a good training plan online, preferably 12-16 weeks and stick to it. Be committed and follow it. Or better still invest in a coach. RMA has one called coach kate…she is amazing!
  3. Work your way up in distance. Don’t go all out and run 20kms in week 1 for your long run. A good plan haves you moving up each week at about 10%. Make sure that you do this to prevent injury and get your body used to being on your feet for longer periods
  4. If you are doing speed sessions pay particular attention to warming up and cooling down….dynamic stretches and a good slow jog before the session and after to prevent injury, especially if you aren’t used to speed work.
  5. Make sure you factor in recovery into your training. Rest at least once a week and plan active recovery sessions, particularly after hard sessions, or your long run. Get a massage regularly or roll and stretch those tight or niggly muscles.
  6. Enjoy the journey. There will be highs and lows…it’s all part of it…Document them in a journal. When you look back on it you will see how amazing you are and the journey you had.
  7. Find friends to train with. Long runs can be hard…and lonely. They are easier to do with friends….so find some to train with and make it an adventure!
  8. When you get to the start line congratulate yourself on making it. So many people don’t.
  9. Make sure you smile for all the cameras…..especially at the finish line.
  10. Sign up for marathon number 2. Or Ultra number 1. 🙂


Em Nanscawen‪ I’d like to know a bit about your running goals and also your hopes for RMA too?

My goals for 2015 are different than they were at the end of 2014. This is all part of the running journey. At the end of 2014 I had run 3 marathons, a few halves, some 30ks and one 60km ultra marathon and hundreds of kms in training. Running life couldn’t have been better. This years goals were to do my first ever 6 foot track ultra marathon after qualifying and also my A race was The North Face 50 in May. After that I planned on working up to my first 100km event at the end of the year. In January while on a training run for TNF I missed two stairs on a boardwalk and went down on my ankle. I caused some major damage which has had me out of running action for 2 months. This means that I have had to reassess this years goals. I had to pull out of 6ft and I may even have to pull out of TNF50. My main goal for this year at this present moment is to get back running, injury free and to focus on getting back to my former race fitness that I had before my injury or even better. Watch this space!


Kelly Ryan‪ I want to know the ultimate question. ‪Who was your first real kiss, how old were you and was it any good?

Haha! My first kiss was with a boy called Richard Watts behind his house where our families were having a bbq….I was about 8 and no, it wasn’t any good! He was a sloppy kisser! I had no idea what I was doing! LOL.

Tracey Hind‪ I’d like to know where u see RMA going in 1year, 2 and 5 yrs ?

This is a tough question. I don’t really have a long term vision. I just go with how it is going. …..I would LOVE for in the next 12 months we just keep growing strong. I love that communities are being impacted by our network and that we are being recognized as an amazing army of women across our nation. I guess in two years I would hope that our network is around 12,000 women. I think it will be more. We already almost have 9000 in our network. I hope that in 2 years we can start running some formal training sessions for our members, probably a conference or even a running event! In five years, well I reckon we may just have overtaken our nation!


Leah Taylor‪ What do you do in your spare time? (If you have any)

Spare time is rare, but if I have it I spend it like anyone else….watching movies, hanging with family or friends. I love to eat good food and I also love to explore amazing places….I do love the odd bushwalk or laying on the beach oh and I LOVE musicals!


Natasha Lobegeier‪  have you lost any good friends through your love of running and exercise in general?

I have. I have some friends who don’t understand why I would want to run. Also friends that felt threatened by the ‘success’ of RMA….friends that I introduced to running in the first place. They walked away. I never walk away from people, which is probably a downfall for me as I get very hurt by this, but in the end I have learned that there are seasons in life and sometimes they end. People come and go for reasons. I am amazed however how RMA has changed my life for the better….with friends that ‘get’ me and my passion and give back to me as much as I give to them. Friends that invest in eachother. That is what I love.


Madeline Murray‪ What do you eat for breakfast? Before/after running?

It changes. On a normal day I might have muslei and fruit and yoghurt, or cereal…Or sometimes I love eggs…..before a race I ALWAYS have museli and a banana. Pretty much every single time…I don’t get much in though..Im normally too nervous to eat well. After a run I normally try to have a smoothie or some protein.


Jennifer Ward‪ Has running changed your feelings about your body? How?

This is a WHOLE OTHER POST to me….I have a long story which I will share one day about my perception of body image and how running has helped me on that journey, but I will answer with yes, running has changed how I see myself. I no longer see a distorted image of  myself as ugly or fat or weak or not good enough. I see myself as strong, able, fit and in control. As a fighter, a finisher and a women who can empower others through running and encouraging others on their journey.


Emma Morris-Fenna‪ What keeps you going? What makes you want to never give up?

A GREAT question. What keeps me going is that I have almost 9000 women around me encouraging me to not give up. That I am worth investing in myself and my body to be the best version of itself that it can be to impact the world around me. And if every single one of those 9000 women were not there, there would still be ONE. . . Myself. Am I not worth my weight in gold? I believe that God put me on earth for a reason such as this, to be a light to others. To be a diamond in the dust, to be hope for so many who have no hope, to change my world to be a better place. Running isn’t my be all and end all…but it is a VEHICLE that I have been blessed with to not only restore my soul but to help to impact the world of those around me. To encourage women to be part of community. To know that they are strong and capable and free and LOVED. To be ALL YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. To know that this has been entrusted to me…that keeps me going.

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